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The Winter Tale’s Cast!

After one thrilling week of castings, we are proud to present the cast for our 25th anniversay winter production!

Congratulations to all cast members and another huge thank you to everyone who auditioned.

Now it’s time to really get started with our Winter’s Tale – much love, more despair, one bear! See you in December!

Winter production 2017

After an exciting ‘election night’ yesterday, it is with great delight that we announce our 25th jubilee winter production…

William Shakespeare’s ‘The Winter’s Tale’ 

The play will be directed by our amazingly creative Ellie Lewerenz, wonderful actress in many of our last plays and director & writer of this year’s Theaternacht’s Dancing Plague. Congratulations, Ellie! We just can’t wait to get started with the production and to work on this intriguing story of love, jealousy, remorse, sorrow – and forgiveness. 

Stolz verkünden wir die fabulös-märchenhafte Cast unserer Doppelproduktion zum 25. Jubiläum!

Es ist soweit! Wir verkünden voller Stolz die fabulös-märchenhafte Cast unserer Doppelproduktion zum 25. Jubiläum!

Danke nochmal an all die wundervollen Leute, die zu den Auditions erschienen sind – es war geil!

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an die Castmitglieder! Wir können die ersten tränenreich-traumhaften Proben kaum erwarten! GREAT HAPPINESS!

Hallo Welt!

Like English language theatre? So do we! 😀 (Who would have thought…)
Check out the Bonn Players’ freshly announced cast for their upcoming production!

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