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Vollversammlung am 24.01.19

Da ist die Leiche von King John noch nicht mal kalt, schon wird der nächste König gekrönt/die nächste Produktion gewählt. Wir möchten euch daher ganz herzlich zur Jahresvollversammlung einladen:

Zeit: Donnerstag, 24.01.2019, 20 Uhr
Ort: (sehr wahrscheinlich) Raum A des IAAK, Regina-Pacis-Weg 5

TOP1: Jahresrückblick
TOP2: Rückblick King John
TOP3: Wahl der Sommerproduktion
TOP4: Entlastung des alten und Wahl des neuen Vorstands
TOP5: Theaternacht
TOP6: Grüne Spielstadt
TOP7: Sonstiges


Kommt auch gerne vorbei, wenn ihr Interesse am Verein habt und mal in die BUSC hinein schnuppert möchtet!

Winter production 2018: King John!

After an unbelievably tense election between four amazing play proposals, we have elected our next production.

Our 2018 winter production will be

Shakespeare’s The Life and Death of King John, on stage from December 7th till 14th!

Directed by Marc Erlhöfer, the play will focus on the political intrigues of the play, set in contemporary times. We can’t wait to get this thing started!

Summer Production 2018

After a thrilling meeting with the whole company last night, it is with great pride and excitement that we announce our next big summer production – and it’s a real classic.

From July 7th – 14th we’ll bring Shakespeare’s HAMLET to the Brotfabrik Bühne Bonn.

Directed by Anthea Petermann, we’ll take a fresh look at one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays with a stage full of beautiful projections and illuminations, a small live band and a little ‚musical‘ within the play, trying to answer the question what it really means to be alive in our generation.


Casting dates will be announced shortly!

The Winter Tale’s Cast!

After one thrilling week of castings, we are proud to present the cast for our 25th anniversay winter production!

Congratulations to all cast members and another huge thank you to everyone who auditioned.

Now it’s time to really get started with our Winter’s Tale – much love, more despair, one bear! See you in December!

Winter production 2017

After an exciting ‚election night‘ yesterday, it is with great delight that we announce our 25th jubilee winter production…

William Shakespeare’s ‚The Winter’s Tale‘ 

The play will be directed by our amazingly creative Ellie Lewerenz, wonderful actress in many of our last plays and director & writer of this year’s Theaternacht’s Dancing Plague. Congratulations, Ellie! We just can’t wait to get started with the production and to work on this intriguing story of love, jealousy, remorse, sorrow – and forgiveness. 

Stolz verkünden wir die fabulös-märchenhafte Cast unserer Doppelproduktion zum 25. Jubiläum!

Es ist soweit! Wir verkünden voller Stolz die fabulös-märchenhafte Cast unserer Doppelproduktion zum 25. Jubiläum!

Danke nochmal an all die wundervollen Leute, die zu den Auditions erschienen sind – es war geil!

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an die Castmitglieder! Wir können die ersten tränenreich-traumhaften Proben kaum erwarten! GREAT HAPPINESS!

Hallo Welt!

Like English language theatre? So do we! 😀 (Who would have thought…)
Check out the Bonn Players‘ freshly announced cast for their upcoming production!

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