Bonner Theaternacht 2014

Bei der diesjährigen Theaternacht stürmt die BUSC gleich mit zwei Produktionen die Bühne(n) der Brotfabrik, nämlich die Kneipe und das Theaterstudio:




It’s the year 2014. All the world speaks English – well, more or less. On their way through London, several tourists from all over the world lose their way and find themselves stranded in a bar. Thrown together by mutual fate and limited seating, they soon experience that every culture speaks its own English …
Inszenierung Daniela Elter


The ex-nightclub bouncer Dave takes a job as a security guard in a modern art gallery. He, who cannot remember having ever entered a museum, is to watch over a work that is causing a stir and indignation: a picture titled „Nipple Jesus“. Just the beginning of a game set up between artist and the public.
Mit Chris Karpenchuk | Inszenierung Sebastian Klement