The Winter’s Tale

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The roar of a bear, then the wailing of a child. A simple shepherd finds baby Perdita at the border of Bohemia. She is raised as the shepherd’s own and falls in love with the daughter of King Polixenes.

16 years earlier in Sicilia, King Leontes accuses his wife Hermione of adultery with his best friend Polixenes. Driven by jealousy, he imprisons Hermione and casts out their newborn daughter. The roar of a bear, then the wailing of a child.



Kreuzstr. 16
53225 Bonn


10,- € / 7,50 €
13,- € / 7,50 € (Premiere)

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Leontes – Thomas Pähler

Hermione – Lisa Pohlers

Polixenes – Daniel Cerkasin

Paulina – Lisa Balzer

Antigonus – Robin Hemmersbach

Camilla – Laura Quintus

Cleomenes – Muna Zubedi

Emilia – Hanna Zubedi

Perdita – Clara-Sophie Bibow

Florizel – Lisa Geierhaas

Shepherd – Leonie Overwien

Clown – Lina Zubedi